Impact Story: Mrs. Jordan
Mrs. Jordan* has been an AFS fost-adopt parent for almost two years. Mrs. Jordan’s adult daughter, Missy*, has struggled with depression and opioid addiction for many years.
Missy’s newborn son, Sammy*, was born with medical challenges and it was determined that Mrs. Jordan would adopt and raise her grandson while Missy continued to battle her addiction. In order to qualify for kinship placement, Mrs. Jordan became a certified resource parent to take advantage of services available to kinship placements.
After adopting Sammy, Mrs. Jordan was attending a support meeting and became aware that a tween girl and her infant brother were in need of placement. AFS caseworkers were trying to find a home that would take both children because when siblings are able to stay together, it lessens the trauma of being removed from their homes.
Mrs. Jordan volunteered to be the children’s resource parent. The girl, Lizzy*, has a big heart and has been very helpful in caring for Sammy and her little brother. Several months after placement, the sibling’s parental rights were terminated and Mrs. Jordan committed to adopting them as well.
Unfortunately, during the time Mrs. Jordan adopted Sammy and the siblings, Missy further spiraled into crisis, became pregnant, and had another baby boy, Eli*, who Mrs. Jordan is in the process of adopting.
Although Mrs. Jordan has her hands full with a teen, two toddlers, and an infant, she maintains a positive attitude and takes advantage of all the support from her close network and AFS. Because of Mrs. Jordan’s open heart and open home, the four kids in her care have a brighter future and she hopes one day, Missy will seek the care necessary to ultimately be involved in her family’s lives.
Although Mrs. Jordan has her hands full with a teen, two toddlers, and an infant she maintains a positive attitude and takes advantage of all the support from her close network and AFS. Because of Mrs. Jordan’s open heart and open home, the four kids in her care have a brighter future and she hopes one day, Missy will seek the care necessary to ultimately be involved in her family’s lives.
At AFS, our staff acknowledges that families are diverse and human. We support clients through every step of their foster, adoption and behavioral health journey. If you’re interested in fostering or adopting, click here.
* All names and images have been changed to protect clients’ identities.